Jesse Richards was born in 1975 in Connecticut and is another Stuckist artist. However, I honestly do not know specifically what "Stuckism" is. I've looked up the definition, and I've looked at multiple artists who are in the movement, and I do not see anything that that connects them. One of his paintings, "Nightlife," reminds me of "The Scream" in a few ways. One being the man on a bridge whose face appears to be skull-like. Also, the brush strokes appear bold and quick, the colors used are just much darker, except for the face, which is incredibly white. The contrast in this picture is far greater, creating a different kind of eerie feeling from Munch's piece. Instead of a strange horror at sunset, this seems like a lonely sense of terror in the middle of the night. His piece also seems, well, primitive. The object he is standing on, I assume a bridge, looks like it isnt straight or an even thickness, however this adds to the nightmare sense that one recieves from this painting. Richards gives me a few ideas of how one can use a lone figure to give a hopeless, lonely feeling to the viewer, and how to utilize these different ways to evoke different, strong feelings.
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