Banksy. One name. That's right, he is on par with Cher and Shakira, minus the singing. Probably the most exciting artist I'll cover here, unless I find someone else, who knows! He does graffiti, which people don't normally put into the same category as "art." I certainly didn't, that is until I saw some of Banksy's work. His ideas are so unique and creative and most of them have a message that is something more people can think about, such as a magnificantly drawn Indian sitting under a "No Tresspassing" sign, to silly things such as spray painting "Take that!" onto a tree that had fallen onto a car.

Born in 1974, and raised in Bristol, England. Banksy is not his real name. I know, it's hard to believe but it's true. He kept his identity secret to be mysterious and make him and his work more interesting. It worked. Because of his talent and unique ideas, street art has become much more popular over the recent years. That being said, this movement is incredibly new itself and we have been able to watch it evolve and grow into a recognized art movement. Also connected with this is that most of the people involved in this type of art, tend to be able to relate to people with their art much more than classical artists, being as they are alive today and not dead for hundreds of years. Jokes aside, their art is more relateable to the typical person, and personally I see it as a less formal art.
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