His style which was very popular during the 60's/70's was "pop art." In other words, it was more or less comic book-like. Very bold colors, shading done with dots like a comic book. Something most people don't think of when they picture "fine arts" as it is a bit less "sophisticated" however it brought a whole new perspective on the arts and what one can do as an artist.

His art also shows up today what was "in" at the time period he made them. Now, I wouldn't say that soup was "cool" but...Marilyn Monroe was. And people ate that soup then, and still do now. So that company has lasted until today which is also something to dwell on. How many things have people painted that are no longer around? Who was famous then and still around/successful today? It's very fun/inspiring to look back in the not-so-distant past and compare things then and now, especially with art.
And I must add, I'd say that his hairstyle in his "Self Portrait" was way ahead of his time. Lookin' good Andy!
Yes! He was so weird, but awesome! I have his biography if you want to borrow it.