I do enjoy Michelangelo so much. Not only was he a good sculpture but a great painter as well. Although when the question of "Michelangelo or Leonardo?" comes up, which it does a lot with my friends and myself, I see it this way: Leonardo is the better painter, Michelangelo is the king of sculptures. I'll talk about Leonardo in my next post, today is about Michelangelo!
I did my paper on him last semester, or more specifically his "Rebellious Slave" pictured here. I got to choose this one myself out of all of the choices of different artists and their works, lucky lucky me! Unfortunately for this awesome piece of work, it was never finished, as the tomb it was meant for had to be scaled down. Finished or not, this piece gives an example of the incredible detail that Michelangelo would put into his works. All of his figures have intense emotion, such as the famous "David" and also like the "Moses" figure that ended up being apart of the Tomb for the Pope which this piece never made it into.

Even tho one could argue that his sculptures/paintings were a bit too muscular to be realistic, as not everyone in the world is a body builder, they still are realistic...if everyone in the world WAS a body builder. His knowledge of hte human form is obvious and apparently vast and well studied.
Another of my favorites by him, "The Pieta," a sculpture of the Virgin Mary with Christ dead in her lap. This piece just screams details and emotion and I can only imagine what it must be like to actually see it. I mean, look at the folds in the Virgin's clothing. So much clothing, so many folds, it's so pretty. Anyway, the actual figure of the Virgin is larger than that, proportionally, than of Christ. Yes, it's not proportionally correct, but neither are the David's hands or head and that's for a reason. It's so it can get your attention and/or relay a message. This piece would not have looked as good if the Virgin was smaller, it would looked awkward. This piece makes me wanna jump in the tub in a dress and then draw a self portrait!
He was an amazing sculptor. You should have seen some of the sculptures, marble carvings, and bronze castings in Athens. No one will ever come close to the Greek master sculptors, especially that 15+ foot kouros.